Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Man of Men

Tenshi na konamaiki is the show that has got me hooked to lately.

The recurring joke is how the lead (who was a man than became a woman through a curse when she was 9) still wants to become the man of all men but has been living as the "woman of women" for th past 6 years and how all the guys are crazy over her though she still belives shes a he....(Confusing huh.)

I was surprised to find out it was a 2002 production and ended not long ago cuz the drawings looked antique to me. But I soon found out that it was done that way to maintain loyalty to the original style of the manga.

Ha...Funny how so many ppl like to come to me for advice on relationships and social problems. I always seem to have the answer (or try to provide one.) and I try to be as objective as possible yet when it comes to my own problems I can rarely find the right path myself. My conclusion is. I'm dead fickle.

Fickle about women, fickle about work, fickle about decisions, fickle about life.
AND HENCE! I shall learn from this anime and create a list of Must be's! on how to become the men of men! Haha.. (Who am I kiddin)

Non the less it'll be interesting to see what I ATTEMPT to resolute at.

Attached is the opening of episode 1. But youtube doesn't have all the episodes (50 in all) so crunchy roll is a better choice. Highly reccomended if you can survive the first few episodes. =)

#Rule 1 * A man must not be fickle minded!



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