Monday, September 18, 2006


Alrights…. Time to Ramble…

I don’t know about the rest and this may come to some as an arrogant arse hole but for a FIRST graded assignment. I think that me getting straight Bs sucked… Nothing was really specified and we get marked down if we don’t do specific styles or things…. Fine… Maybe my penning skills ain’t as good as some professionals out there but I did put in the effort to re-do my work and touched up as best as I can…


Words cannot express it…. Just see the stuff and comment telling me what I deserved… Some of you may think who’s this feller here thinking he deserves more than he has worked for but still some of my work is debatable.


I probably could have done better and compete with “some” people but I was trying to be different and use different styles at approaching things…Honestly I only started using pen when I first entered ADM. I’ve ALWAYS been better at penciling so maybe I should stop being so arrogant and stop use things I’m unfamiliar with. Then again…If you don’t challenge yourself how are you to improve? The choice remains…. Should I go back into my field of specialisation and try to wow the teachers with my slowly decreasing skill? Or continue my never ending quest to learn new techniques?


I’ll decide during my one week recess….. Haha... (A bold statement from JeRmS) “I don’t need to be the top. I just want to get ALL THE A’s” (Try harder arrogant arse)

TTFN tata for now


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