Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Gone were the glory days when I had the cockiness to slow down in a 2.4km run at the last min so I'd get my perfect Gold with everyone behind me failing to meet the mark.

Gone were the days where I could safely claim my prize money from the SAF just by spending some time running and doing "warm-ups".

It's final! haha I brought a digital watch that lasted fine all the way till 5 mins before the run. IT DIED. After which I thought what the heck. The new digital system would announce my timing. Then it rained.... Ok so I laid down to shut my eyes for 15 mins waiting for the rain and it's time to run! The aim of the day was at LEAST silver.... and I was on my way to getting it when the display of the machine BROKE DOWN and my 5th and 6th round was running without an aim. Fair enough if I had maintained a constant speed I would have gotten my silver easily. But NO!!!! I slacked! thinking the incentive cash was good enough and without the prompt of time... I MISSED BY 2 SECONDS!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>>....... =~(

Hee.... Anyway enough of that.. here I am enjoying my spankin new AKG's!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!!!


Hur hur. (Narcissistic pic) Hope jia has a nice day tom =)


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