Wednesday, February 06, 2008


i just had my reunion dinner at home... it was Steam boat. Something which I don't pareticularly enjoy, but this year I think it tasted so much better.

Hmm.. Well it's gonna be a real rush for me since i've got assignments and all to rush.. But I guess it's all my on fault for procrastinating. So many ppl aren't free this year as well So I guess this short holiday will pass by in a flash.

Earlier Aunt M said that the next person she's gonna date has got to be a woman. Haha. Well I don't really know how to reply to such a statement but I definitely don't really encourage it.

Well everything seems so fleeting to me lately that I'm losing interest in a lot of things. Maybe If i get my cam fixed and go shooting with aunt M will my interest in things come back.

Think i'll write more next time lest I start to spiral down the emo road.



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