Monday, March 09, 2009


Autodesk combustion... it's like probably the most affordable software for compositing? (not like aft effects... like pure compositing) and yet it EATS YOUR RAMN LIKE SHITZ.

Gosh... My mac book pro is just dying as I render particles and HENCE i have time to blog.

And here we see keyed out screen shots of claudia, my partner in crime... Sigh We just simply encountered too many technical faults to be learning anything...

Fed up we are...

And while I'm at it,since rendering my smoke test will take an hour AND it's due tomorrow afternoon, I'll just ramble about some anime manga that I'm totally into right now.

I stumbled upon in on VEOH and Onemanga and it's a real Diamond in the rough.
Way better than expected and its pacing, story telling and tension pulls and releases are snappy and appropriate. I usually Just read the manga and skip the anime due to my lack of faith in the anime quality but I MUST say. For this case. there are lotsa differences but a great adaptation with all the information given at the end. GOOD JOB!

Oh and Youtube has it too ... lol (like everything else!)


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